Dear ############ We have received your $150 bonus claim for Mansion Poker.
However, we have been unable to locate your account "PAPAKAPLO " with Mansion Poker, are you absolutely sure that you have created an account and that the accountname specified is correct?
If you're in doubt, please contact Mansion Poker support for assistance.
Also, please note that at some sites the accountnames are case sensitive. This means that "John" and "joHN" are not the same. It's best if you give us the info 100% correct.
Once you are sure that you have an account (must be created using the correct bonuscode or the correct link as specified in the details at and what your accountname is, please reply to this mail ( with your correct accountname, or contact our Live Support, to have your request processed again.
We will then process your request again.
Best Regards,
ЭТО ЧТО Такое написали не понимаю??????
Акаунт у них зарегал и на покер руме тоже
А это на сайте!!!
Bonus Requests
Most of our free poker bonuses require you to request them through BankrollMob, before we can process the bonus. Casino bonuses are usually instant and not handled by BankrollMob, so you will not find those in the list below. Please ask in our forum if you're in doubt whether or not if a bonus requires a request to be made.
Date Site Bonus Account Status
8/25/2009 Mansion Poker $150 PAPAKAPLO Rejected [?] <<<<<ЭТО ЧТО ТАКОЕ?????
It takes a few days for us to process bonus requests, usually 3-4 days (weekends excluded), so please have patience - thanks!
HINT: Click on the status text to see a description, or click he
Я в этом Новичок