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Бездеп на 150 долл. на Титане рег. через ПНО
Дата: Понедельник, 22.02.2010, 14:20DavydovD
Мне пришло 3 письмо:


Your account was marked as containing duplicate information as a previous sign-up in our system and it was locked. Unfortunately you will not be eligible for this bonus, Im sorry, but our answer is final. It is actually Titan Poker that requested we have a policy like this from the very beginning. If an account pops up as a duplicate in our system, we block it and it does not get funded. There can be many different reasons why your account was blocked, but the thing is, your account falls under one of them, which is all we need to deny it. Were not accusing you of anything, sometimes this is out of users control, such as having their ISP using proxies, but unfortunately, there is no way for us to know for sure so they have to get denied.

Я понял, вроде они отказывают мне в депозите, аккаунт у меня один, других нету. Как я могу сделать запрос на повторную проверку?

Дата: Среда, 10.03.2010, 16:43Pocu4
Татановцам похер, что ты им скажешь. Если сказали, что ты мультиаккаунтщик - то смирись с этим.
Титан - они такие.
Дата: Среда, 10.03.2010, 20:43Walkingdead
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