Dear Ilya, Your account at, allowing you to request free no deposit bonuses, has been rejected.
Your account was probably rejected for one of the following reasons:
* An account from your household already exists.
* An account from your IP address already exists.
* You have multiple accounts.
* Several accounts have been made from the same computer as yours.
* Suspicion of fraud.
* Account linked to other fraudulent accounts.
Our investigation team rejected your account - this decision is final.
If you uploaded any ID along with your account, this has been removed from our database.
Please contact us if any questions.
Best Regards,
Вот такой ответ мне прислали вместо бонуса. Делал все по пунктам. Единственная возможная причина - у нас один ip на локальную сеть. Жду ответа.