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Обсуждение викторины PokerSpace
Дата: Воскресенье, 14.12.2008, 22:18Pokerzhget
Обсуждение викторины PokerSpace.
Дата: Воскресенье, 14.12.2008, 23:04lazy111
Хорошо б было б ответы,а то викторина не английском, а после перевода переводчиком и вопрос то не всегда понятен))
Дата: Понедельник, 15.12.2008, 13:39MikhailDD
Я попытался пройти мой результат 6/10 жалко в одном вопросе где то ошибся и плохо то что нельзя посмотреть где была ошибка! Кто нибудь прошол? Предлагаю всем кто пытается проходить викторину делать скриншоты и у кого получится выкладывать их здесь!!!
Дата: Понедельник, 15.12.2008, 17:52Welty
Calculate the number of 'outs' opponent 2 has to outright win or tie the hand given both players have moved all in:

Opponent 1: ACJS Opponent 2: AC5H








Дата: Понедельник, 15.12.2008, 21:36montazhnik60
Мой результат 3/10 =)))) Ждем шпаргалку! ;)

Добавлено (15.12.2008, 21:36)
Мой результат 3/10 =)))) Ждем шпаргалку! ;)

Дата: Понедельник, 15.12.2008, 22:35MikhailDD
Друган ну ты удивил :D
Дата: Вторник, 16.12.2008, 02:18Perrin
Прошел,7/10))) Отвечал вроде так:

1)# 5/10 NL. $2,000 stacks. A tight passive player limps in early position. Folded to you in the BB. You hold:

You raise to $40. The early position limper calls. Flop:

You bet $80. The limper calls. Turn:
You bet $200. The limper raises to $475. You call. River:


You check. The limper bets $750. What should you do?




2)# 5/10 NL cash game. $1,250 stacks. UTG limps for $10. You call in middle position with:

One more limp on the button, SB completes and BB checks. Flop:

Blinds check, UTG bets $20 into the $50 pot. You raise to $100. All fold to UTG who calls. Turn is:
UTG checks, you bet $200. He calls. River is:
UTG checks, you bet $330, UTG check raises all-in for your last $610. The UTG player is tight aggressive. He limps about 10% of his hands and raises about 25% pre-flop.

What should you do?



3)# You're in a 10 man sit-n-go with 7 players left and the blinds are 200-400. You have 3600 chips. Everyone at the table has about 3500 chips. You're in middle position and it is folded to you.
You hold:
What should you do?





4)# Calculate the number of 'outs' opponent 2 has to outright win the hand given all players have moved all in on the turn:

Opponent 1: QCQS Opponent 2: KC7HOpponent 3: 9H9S







5)# 5/10 NL. $1,000 stacks. You raise to $40 from late position. A loose aggressive player in the big blind (who has been re-raising from the blinds a lot) re-raises to $130 and you call.

Your image is also loose aggressive. You and the BB have been in a few big re-raised pots so far--both of you have been bluffing and semi bluffing relentlessly. Flop is:

He makes a $200 continuation bet. Which hand is best if you plan to raise all-in on this flop?





6)# 5/10 NL Holdem. 9 handed. 2000 stacks. You're in the cut-off position with 6h6s. UTG limps, a player in middle position limps as well, and you call in the cut-off. The button raises to 70, everyone calls including the BB, UTG, middle position player and yourself. Flop is:


BB checks, UTG bets 90, middle position folds, you call, button raises to 450. BB pushes all in, UTG thinks then folds. What do you do?

Call all-in

7)# 9 man table tournament. The blinds are 500/1k with an Ante of 100. A weak player UTG limps with 125
k in chips, sb (TAG player) has 80k and completes the bet. Big blind is short stacked with 17k and checks.

The Flop:


The blinds check to UTG who bets out 6k. The SB calls and BB raises to 13k - UTG re-raises to 28k. The SB makes the call after some thought and the bb moves in his remaining chips.

The Turn:


Both SB/UTG check.

The River:


The small blind bets 18k in the massive pot. UTG quickly calls - what did the 3 players hold?

SB had AA/KK, UTG had a flush draw, and BB held a set.

SB had a draw, BB had two pair on the flop, and UTG had AA/KK

SB had a set, BB had TT+, and UTG had a flush draw

SB had two pair on the flop, BB had a draw, UTG had A9

8)# 10 man table. 5/10 NL with $1000 stacks. 3 limpers and your check your option in the BB with:

The Flop:


1st limper bets out $20 and the 2nd limper raises to $50. The 3rd limper folds and the action is on you.

Whats your move?
Call, its likely the 2nd limper has a weak ace and you can extract another bet on the turn from him since your out of position

Call, if a blank comes on the turn lead out to protect you big hand

Put in a 3-bet since your out of position and need to protect your hand

Make a substantial raise to $250 to protect from bad players hitting 2-pair or better

9)# Floating is a common tactic that involves calling your opponent on the flop with the intention of bluffing them on the turn and/or river. In order to 'float' your opponent successfully what are the 2 most important factors?

Small stack size and a tight table image

Small stack size and position

Average stack size and early middle position

Large stack size and position

Large stack size and a tight table image

10)# 6 man table. 2/4 NL with $400 Stacks. A player in middle position raises to $15. You're dealt AsAc on the button and re-raise to $45. He calls.

You go heads-up to the flop:


He leads out for $45. What should you do?

Call, If no spade comes on turn, then move all-in



Дата: Вторник, 16.12.2008, 15:32dimka999
Вот ссылка с вопросами за 2 теста, которые я проходил и не прошле :)

примеры теста

Сообщение отредактировал dimka999 - Вторник, 16.12.2008, 15:33
Дата: Среда, 17.12.2008, 03:34yukas
Короч вопрос про домашние 7h7d где варианты ответов:
3)same odds ----- правильный ответ этот

Добавлено (17.12.2008, 03:34)
Еще в одном уверен посчитать кол-во аутов 2ого игрока против двух других с картами
1ый Q club Q spade 2ой K club 8 club 3ий 9 heart 9 spade
J club T club 9 club 5 heart
правильный ответ 12 а в остальных типа где колить где фолд где аллин уверенности нету да и результаты в 3-5 правильных ответов не впечатляют=)

Дата: Пятница, 19.12.2008, 15:57Hanni66
У меня такой вопрос, я получил 10 доллорав, но когда пытаюсь сесть за игровой стол то выскакивает следущее сообщение:
You have not yet validated your account and will not be permitted to play tournaments or play real money games until this step is completed. Please check your email for the message we have sent you and follow the instructions to validate your account. Please make sure that your email account is set to allow email from WalkerPoker.
На майл никакого письма не приходило, с акаунтом на покерспейс тоже всё норм, он активирован, не подскажете что делать?
ака на руме и на сайте одинаковый: Hanni66
Дата: Пятница, 19.12.2008, 20:00montazhnik60
Судя по письму аккаунт все же не активирован. Проверь анти-спам или напиши в техподдержку. Мне приходило письмо для подтверждения регистрации...
Дата: Суббота, 20.12.2008, 20:08boberluck
вопрос про шанс собрать сет на флопе
ответ: 7,7

Сообщение отредактировал boberluck - Суббота, 20.12.2008, 20:09
Дата: Понедельник, 22.12.2008, 21:054nge1
да нереально, в первый раз набрал 5 из 10-ти, во второй - 2 из 10-ти(((
Дата: Вторник, 23.12.2008, 04:03boberluck
нашел форум там есть ответы на некоторые варианты
Дата: Вторник, 23.12.2008, 21:244nge1
эххх, пока лучший вариант 6/10

Добавлено (23.12.2008, 21:24)
жаль, что не показывают, где ошибся

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