Обсуждение викторины PokerSpace
Дата: Пятница, 09.01.2009, 14:00Toxis
почему бы просто просто не закинуть на форум все вопросы которые встречались? их же немного... а над отвтеами уже все подумаем, и администрации не надо будет пыхтеть над составлением ответов :)
Дата: Пятница, 09.01.2009, 19:144nge1
Quote (Toxis)
почему бы просто просто не закинуть на форум все вопросы которые встречались? их же немного... а над отвтеами уже все подумаем, и администрации не надо будет пыхтеть над составлением ответов

да поздно уже, недельку назад бы я еще смог с энтузиазмом выкладывать вопросы, а сейчас уже сил нет на этот покерспейс))хотя....может кто и будет...хз

Сообщение отредактировал 4nge1 - Пятница, 09.01.2009, 19:14
Дата: Воскресенье, 11.01.2009, 01:58maratshar
выкладываем вопросы викторины , пытаемся перевести и ответить правильно

1вопрос- You enter a live Heads-up cash game against a wildly aggressive opponent at 10/20 NL. $2,000 stacks.
You immediately raise to $60 the first hand without looking at your cards and your opponents clearly notices your play.
He doesn't hesitate to call and checks the flop of:

You bet $100 and he beats you into the pot raising it to $300. You look down at your hole cards and find:


You think for a moment and call.
Turn is:

Your opponent leads out for $600. Whats your best move?

Raise to $900

Raise all-in

Call, and push the river if there is no club

Call, fold to an all-in on the river

Fold, he probably has you outkicked
кто знает аглицкий переводите плиз, кто ответ отвечайте,выкладывайте новые вопросы.

Добавлено (11.01.2009, 01:58)
2вопрос 5/10 NL cash game. $1,000 stacks. 6 handed. You are in middle position with:
A loose aggressive player UTG raises to $40. You re-raise to $130 and he calls.
The flop is:
He checks and you bet $185 into the $280 pot. He check raises all-in. What should you do?


3вопрос- 9 man table. 5/10 NL with $1000 Stacks. They're 3 limpers you're in the bb with:


You check your option and a flop of:


You've connected on the flop and lead out for $40. Two limpers call.

The Turn:

You bet $80 into the $220 pot and first limper raises to $200 and the other guy cold calls the $200. You call the raise as well.
The River:


You check, the first guy leads out for $150, and the second guy raises to $550.

What's your move?


Call - its a tough spot, but the odds are favorable.

Raise all-in

Disconnect all-in since the pot is so big

Дата: Понедельник, 12.01.2009, 00:56Nikita
С большой вероятностью, верно.

1)10 man table. 5/10 NL with $1000 stacks. 3 limpers and your check your option in the BB with:

ANSWER: Put in a 3-bet since your out of position and need to protect your hand

2) World Series of Poker, Main Event. They're 750 players left and you have 75k in chips (700 Payout). The table has been Loose-Aggressive.The blinds are 2k/4k with a 200 ante. UTG (60k stack) raise to 12k, the player next to him moves in for 100k. Another players in middle position moves all-in for 80k. The player on the button is Phil Ivey sitting with 1 million in chips and says 'Lets Gamble, All-in.'

Its folded around to the big blind where you hold:


3)5/10 NL cash game. $1,000 stacks. 6 handed. You are in middle position with:


4)You're short-stacked in an MTT and have pocket 7h7d. You have been re-raised by an opponent to kill the action and your positive he has a big pair. Which hand would you prefer to be up against if you were to call?

ANSWER: same odds for both

5)5/10 NL. $1,000 stacks. One player limps in early, you limp in late with:


6)Calculate the number of 'outs' opponent 2 has to outright win the hand given all players have moved all in on the turn:

7)Your deep in a tournament with the blinds 500/1k. It's folded around to the Cut-off who raises to 3k. (Starting Stack 20k). Fortunately you have a few key pieces of information about your opponent in the cut-off. He has an aggressive-passive style and just recently took a few bad beats and often does not like playing against opponents who come over the top. You're dealt Jh9h on the button (Starting Stack 50k) and re-raise to 8k. It folds around to your opponent who moves all-in! What odds do you face on the worst possible scenario?

ANSWER: You're a 5.53 to 1 underdog

8)Given the following scenario which of the following opponents is favored to win the pot?
ANSWER: Opponent 2

9)Tournament. 300/600 blinds with 220 players left (top 100 pay). You've got 30,000 in chips. It's folded to you on the button and you raise to 1600 with 10h7h. Both blinds call.
ANSWER: Call, because odds aren't quite there but you've got plenty of chips

10)5/10 NL cash game. $1,000 stacks. 6 handed. You are in middle position with:


Вопрос там немножко по-другому обозначен

12)Tournament. Blinds are 200-400 with 25 antes. You have 14,000 chips. 9 handed.

You are in the cutoff seat with:

13)Calculate the number of 'outs' opponent 2 has to outright win the hand given all players have moved all in on the turn:

Opponent 1:QQ Opponent 2:K8 Opponent 3:99


14)You're in a 10 man sit-n-go with 7 players left and the blinds are 200-400. You have 3600 chips. Everyone at the table has about 3500 chips. You're in middle position and it is folded to you.
You hold:

Дата: Четверг, 15.01.2009, 00:414nge1
Nikita, удивительно, столько нашел всяких ответов на вопросы викторины + твои, и всеравно 3/10, это же ппц....мрак, как-нибудь выложу сюда вопросы и как я на них отвечаю, будет интересно услышать комменты)
Дата: Четверг, 15.01.2009, 02:35Nikita
4nge1, я думаю, это большой розыгрыш со стороны авторов викторины :)
Дата: Пятница, 16.01.2009, 12:48MikhailDD
4nge1, ну у меня такая же история я поражаюсь ! Я из ответов выложенных на форуме нахожу порой до 8 штук а результат 4/10,6/10
Дата: Пятница, 16.01.2009, 14:524nge1
да это короче шутка какая-то у них, видно если и получается кому-то 7/10, то это чисто рандом...
Дата: Суббота, 17.01.2009, 09:59yukas
Сомневаюсь что вопрос скинуть королей правильный, королей никогда не скидывают (если по Харингтону судить).
Дата: Понедельник, 19.01.2009, 16:34MikhailDD
Да если и по здравому смыслу посудить нельзя королей скидывать :D
Дата: Вторник, 20.01.2009, 22:20Zhenya911
Набрал 7 из 10) может кому поможет...
World Series of Poker, Main Event. They're 750 players left and you have 75k in chips (700 Payout). The table has been Loose-Aggressive.The blinds are 2k/4k with a 200 ante. UTG (60k stack) raise to 12k, the player next to him moves in for 100k. Another players in middle position moves all-in for 80k. The player on the button is Phil Ivey sitting with 1 million in chips and says 'Lets Gamble, All-in.'
Its folded around to the big blind where you hold:
What should you do?

You've just won a freeroll for $18,000 and decide its time to jump stakes and play professional poker. Is a 18k bankroll enough to play $10/20 NL Hold'em in a live casino?

3/6 NL HU. $1,200 stacks. You decided to make a standard raise to $18 and the BB re raises to $54. You both are consistently making continuation bets after raising/re-raising. You call with:
BB makes a continuation bet of $75 on a flop of:
You raise to $200 and he flat calls. The bb checks a turn of:
You bet $200 on the turn and he flat calls. The river is:
He checks the river and you bet $300 and he ends up instantly pushing over the top of your bet. What is he most likely holding?

You're short-stacked in an MTT and have pocket 7h7d. You have been re-raised by an opponent to kill the action and your positive he has a big pair. Which hand would you prefer to be up against if you were to call?
same odds for both

Tournament. Blinds are 200-400 with 25 antes. You have 14,000 chips. 9 handed.
You are in the cutoff seat with:
Everyone folds and you raise to 1200. Button folds and the small blind goes all in for a total of 5000. You don't have much information on your opponent, except that he seems solid and you assume that he has some kind of real hand. What should you do?

5/10 NL. $1,000 stacks. One player limps in early, you limp in late with:
SB folds and BB checks. Flop is:
BB bets $30, limper folds, you raise to $100. BB thinks and re-raises to $300.
The BB is loose aggressive and relentlessly bluffs and semibluffs. What is your best move?
Raise all-in

9 man table. 5/10 NL with $1000 Stacks. They're 3 limpers you're in the bb with:
You check your option and a flop of
You've connected on the flop and lead out for $40. Two limpers call.
The Turn:
You bet $80 into the $220 pot and first limper raises to $200 and the other guy cold calls the $200. You call the raise as well.
The River:
You check, the first guy leads out for $150, and the second guy raises to $550.
What's your move?
Call - its a tough spot, but the odds are favorable.
Raise all-in
Disconnect all-in since the pot is so big

Calculate the number of 'outs' opponent 2 has to outright win the hand given all players have moved all in on the turn:
Opponent 1: Opponent 2: Opponent 3:

You enter a live Heads-up cash game against a wildly aggressive opponent at 10/20 NL. $2,000 stacks.
You immediately raise to $60 the first hand without looking at your cards and your opponents clearly notices your play.
He doesn't hesitate to call and checks the flop of:
You bet $100 and he beats you into the pot raising it to $300. You look down at your hole cards and find:
You think for a moment and call.
Turn is:
Your opponent leads out for $600. Whats your best move?
Raise to $900
Raise all-in
Call, and push the river if there is no club
Call, fold to an all-in on the river
Fold, he probably has you outkicked

6 man table. 2/4 NL with $400 Stacks. A player in middle position raises to $15. You're dealt AsAc on the button and re-raise to $45. He calls.
You go heads-up to the flop:
He leads out for $45. What should you do?
Call, If no spade comes on turn, then move all-in

Дата: Среда, 21.01.2009, 00:00yukas
делал тест итог 6 из 10, но вот что я нашел форум вроде неплохой http://fusionteam.ru/forum/showthread.php?p=34228 хотя не уверен!
Дата: Среда, 21.01.2009, 03:04makaka
Набрал 8/10
6 man table. 2/4 NL with $400 Stacks. A player in middle position raises to $15. You're dealt AsAc on the button and re-raise to $45. He calls.
You go heads-up to the flop:
He leads out for $45. What should you do?


к сожалению несохранил ответы на вопросы но некоторые помню

KQs выигрывает у QQ
на флопе

Когда выпадает КК и до вас рейз и ререйз вы делаете ререйз еще один

на флопе 34s8 колим Алл-ин

У вас KQ флоп
9 10 J 7 J и противник идет алл-ин, мы колим и выбираем вариант с 2.5 в ответе

Сообщение отредактировал makaka - Среда, 21.01.2009, 03:06
Дата: Среда, 21.01.2009, 11:46yukas
В общем все можно сделать гораздо проще(хотя не факт) + с улучшением своего скилла игры, чем искать форумовские ответы, надо просто пройти все уроки на сайте чем я сейчас и занимаюсь уже нашел ответ не помню как звучит поздней уточню, вопрос про
1)flop a set с парой
ответ вероятность 1/7
Дата: Среда, 21.01.2009, 12:23kokocc
Использовал эти сайты:
+ у вас что-то посмотрел, спасибо :)

Сейчас посмотримс, что там с бонусом.

Добавлено (21.01.2009, 12:23)
Короче ясно. Скачал Walker, запускаю, и чёрный экран только.. эх.

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