Обсуждение викторины PokerSpace
Дата: Понедельник, 02.02.2009, 03:26Nikita
Тема открыта для обсуждений.
Дата: Пятница, 06.02.2009, 00:45Seth23
Щас вот тока сдал викторину, сдавал ее три траза (с третьего сдал). Считаю викторину слишком экстравагантной и некотрые вопросы я мягко говоря не вкуриваю, а точнее как можно на них отвечать?! Вот пример:
Дата: Пятница, 06.02.2009, 16:57Seth23

з.ы. случайно не то написал, а сообщение не удаляется...

Сообщение отредактировал Seth23 - Пятница, 06.02.2009, 16:58
Дата: Суббота, 07.02.2009, 19:16sov4
7/10 is my result... :/

1.Your deep in a tournament with the blinds 500/1k. It's folded around to the Cut-off who raises to 3k. (Starting Stack 20k). Fortunately you have a few key pieces of information about your opponent in the cut-off. He has an aggressive-passive style and just recently took a few bad beats and often does not like playing against opponents who come over the top. You're dealt Jh9h on the button (Starting Stack 50k) and re-raise to 8k. It folds around to your opponent who moves all-in! What odds do you face on the worst possible scenario'

...You're a 5.53 to 1 underdog...

2.Calculate the number of 'outs' opponent 2 has to outright win the hand given all players have moved all in on the turn:


3.5/10 NL Holdem. 6 handed with 1000 stacks. You're UTG at an ultra aggressive table with 44. What do you do'


4.You enter a live Heads-up cash game against a wildly aggressive opponent at 10/20 NL. $2,000 stacks.
You immediately raise to $60 the first hand without looking at your cards and your opponents clearly notices your play.
He doesn't hesitate to call and checks the flop of:
Flop :J72

You bet $100 and he beats you into the pot raising it to $300. You look down at your hole cards and find: J 10

You think for a moment and call.
Turn is: 4

Your opponent leads out for $600. Whats your best move'

...Raise to $900...

5.5/10 NL. 9 handed. It is folded to you in the Cut-Off. Your table is loose aggressive and you are a tight passive player. What is the most common play for a player of your style in this position Jh 10h


6.1/2 NL cash game. 6 players are seated with stacks ranging from 350 to 600. A tight player in the cut off raises to $8. Button re-raises to $14.

You are in the BB and have:77
What should you do'

...Call and only play if you flop the set...

7.5/10 NL Holdem. 9 handed. 2000 stacks. You're in the cut-off position with 6h6s. UTG limps, a player in middle position limps as well, and you call in the cut-off. The button raises to 70, everyone calls including the BB, UTG, middle position player and yourself. Flop is:J 10 6

BB checks, UTG bets 90, middle position folds, you call, button raises to 450. BB pushes all in, UTG thinks then folds. What do you do'

...Call all-in...

8.You're short-stacked in an MTT and have pocket 7h7d. You have been re-raised by an opponent to kill the action and your positive he has a big pair. Which hand would you prefer to be up against if you were to call'

...same odds for both...

9.Calculate the number of 'outs' opponent 2 has to outright win or tie the hand given both players have moved all in:

Opponent 1: ACJS Opponent 2: AC5H



10.Floating is a common tactic that involves calling your opponent on the flop with the intention of bluffing them on the turn and/or river. In order to 'float' your opponent successfully what are the 2 most important factors'

...Large stack size and position...

Удачим Всем !!! :)

Дата: Пятница, 13.02.2009, 09:11Just4You
Щас вот тока сдал викторину, сдавал ее три траза (с третьего сдал). Считаю викторину слишком экстравагантной и некотрые вопросы я мягко говоря не вкуриваю, а точнее как можно на них отвечать?! Вот пример:

Fold здесь :)

Сообщение отредактировал Just4You - Пятница, 13.02.2009, 09:12
Дата: Суббота, 14.02.2009, 20:26Insane310
Всем привет...Может кому-то поможет...Результат 8/10.

1.6 man table. 2/4 NL with $400 Stacks. A player in middle position raises to $15. You're dealt AsAc on the button and re-raise to $45. He calls.

You go heads-up to the flop:

He leads out for $45. What should you do?


Call, If no spade comes on turn, then move all-in



2.1/2 NL cash game. 6 players are seated with stacks ranging from 350 to 600. A tight player in the cut off raises to $8. Button re-raises to $14.

You are in the BB and have:

What should you do?


Call and only play if you flop the set

Call and lead out on a low flop

Raise to $36 and only play if you flop the set

Raise to $36 and try to push your opponents out on the flop

3.9 man table tournament. The blinds are 500/1k with an Ante of 100. A weak player UTG limps with 125
k in chips, sb (TAG player) has 80k and completes the bet. Big blind is short stacked with 17k and checks.

The Flop:

The blinds check to UTG who bets out 6k. The SB calls and BB raises to 13k - UTG re-raises to 28k. The SB makes the call after some thought and the bb moves in his remaining chips.

The Turn:

Both SB/UTG check.

The River:

The small blind bets 18k in the massive pot. UTG quickly calls - what did the 3 players hold?

SB had AA/KK, UTG had a flush draw, and BB held a set.

SB had a draw, BB had two pair on the flop, and UTG had AA/KK

SB had a set, BB had TT+, and UTG had a flush draw

SB had two pair on the flop, BB had a draw, UTG had A9

4.You're short-stacked in an MTT and have pocket 7h7d. You have been re-raised by an opponent to kill the action and your positive he has a big pair. Which hand would you prefer to be up against if you were to call?



same odds for both

5.Calculate the number of 'outs' opponent 2 has to outright win or tie the hand given both players have moved all in:

Opponent 1: Opponent 2:








6.5/10 NL Holdem. 6 handed with 1000 stacks. You're UTG at an ultra aggressive table with 44. What do you do?


Limp in and fold to a raise

Limp in and call a single raise


8.6 man table. 5/10 NL with $1000 Stacks. A TAG player in early position raises to $40 and gets raised to $150 by another TAG player. You look down in the bb and find:

Whats your move?

Call, Check/Raise all-in

Call, If no A comes, instant shove!

Re-raise to $400

Raise all-in


9.Calculate the number of 'outs' opponent 2 has to outright win the hand given all players have moved all in on the turn:

Opponent 1: Opponent 2: Opponent 3:







10.3/6 NL HU. $1,200 stacks. You decided to make a standard raise to $18 and the BB re raises to $54. You both are consistently making continuation bets after raising/re-raising. You call with:

BB makes a continuation bet of $75 on a flop of:

You raise to $200 and he flat calls. The bb checks a turn of:

You bet $200 on the turn and he flat calls. The river is:

He checks the river and you bet $300 and he ends up instantly pushing over the top of your bet. What is he most likely holding?





Дата: Вторник, 17.02.2009, 01:51Vault13

26 верных ответов - соседняя тема ))

Давайте ставьте мне плюсики, удалите из темы посты Insane и переместите в важные :)

Сообщение отредактировал Vault13 - Вторник, 17.02.2009, 01:52
Дата: Вторник, 17.02.2009, 13:56slava1004
Ответил на все вопросы викторины,пытаюсь пройти дальше,но не получается,чуть ниже пишут:You can't take the same test twicе(Вы не можете принимать такие же испытания в два раза).Что бы могло это значить?
Дата: Вторник, 17.02.2009, 20:38Stepan
Попробуйте спросить в их саппорте, потому что раньше такой проблемы вроде бы ни у кого не было.

Сообщение отредактировал Stepan - Вторник, 17.02.2009, 20:39
Дата: Вторник, 17.02.2009, 21:05slava1004
Спасибо,разобрался! :) Кстати сдал викторину 10/10!!! :D За что благодарю Vault13!!!
Дата: Среда, 18.02.2009, 12:11Erni
а че дальше то делать когда прошел викторину?
Дата: Среда, 18.02.2009, 13:02slava1004
Ну там же в скриншотном гиде все подробно описано :)
Дата: Среда, 18.02.2009, 13:48slava1004
Вчера вечером сдал викторину,а сегодня уже получил бонус!!!! :D
Дата: Среда, 18.02.2009, 23:42Erni
я сегодня сдал... но пока мне не дали бонус
Дата: Четверг, 19.02.2009, 03:28slava1004
25$ я получил,а когда остальные 50$ дадут? Точнее что для этого нужно сделать?

Сообщение отредактировал slava1004 - Четверг, 19.02.2009, 11:52
Сделать бесплатный сайт с uCoz